I recently presented at The Recruitment Conference, hosted by Recruitment Consultant Magazine on how companies should be using social networks to promote their business. Naturally, as in the Cobbler's Shoes story, I had not updated the Abtech Website and still have not set up my FaceBook and LinkedIn company pages.
Of course, my time has been consumed with Keith as we are preparing Version 2 design and functionality of Recruitment Community Europe, which should hit the air in the next few weeks. We have taken on board comments and suggestions from a wide range of our community on the Beta site we launched in November. We are really excited about the new look and will be really ramping up our membership drive and have a lot of great content in the can for the launch.
Meanwhile, back at Abtech, we have launched our Business Brand Social Network Consulting and Training services. Full details on the web site - or contact me directly.
Abtech provides a range of options to assist your organisation in maximising the reach of social and business networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter in the UK and national specific networks such as Hyves (Holland), Xing (Germany) and Viadeo (France).
We offer ½ day and 1 day in-house workshops for those organisations who already have a basic understanding and knowledge of social media. The workshop approach will show you how to set-up the right tools, use them to maximum effect to promote your business and learning what can and cannot be done.
Technorati Tags: e-recruitment, FaceBook, LinkedIn, Twitter, training, Recruitment Community Europe, Recruitment Community Europe
I think social media is the future. Being a Dutch student looking for a job abroad, I use social media daily to find an international job that suits me. A lot of companies don't understand this. However, new job websites are cropping up left, right and center. There not all that bad (like this one I found recently, http://www.searchjobsabroad.com/International-jobs.html ), but they still don't grasp the combination of social media and job searching, which is a shame!
Posted by: Vincent van de Berg | 26 June 2011 at 14:01
Nowadays, there are a range of options to assist your organisation in maximising the reach of social and business networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook & Twitter in the UK.
Posted by: CV Parser | 11 August 2009 at 07:42
Hi Alan,
How do you address companies who are pretty much hesitant to embrace social networking sites due to privacy issues or issues like disclosing too much information regarding vacancies and positions they are handling?
Posted by: International Career Blogger | 30 June 2009 at 10:25
Excellent subject matter, i try to explain to my clients the potential of social networks but also the fact that they have to be utilised correctly or its a waste of time, keep up the good blogging!
Posted by: Zac | 23 April 2009 at 10:22
Looking forward to the new site.
Posted by: Claire | 16 April 2009 at 23:07
I agree companies should be using social networks to promote their business. Thank you for your ideas. Take Care
Posted by: Auto glass Coolidge azrizona | 13 April 2009 at 23:16
I think more and more recruiters will add social networking to their range of sourcing options.
Posted by: John | 04 April 2009 at 20:29