Talkback Mobile Recruiting aims to discuss your ideas for mobile solutions to support the recruitment industry. Dave Martin's blogs about the event and the Twitter hashtag conversation, #tbMobRec, can be read in his blogs below or on his blog site, akatopbananas.You set the agenda, tweet your views via the hashtag.
Dave's video introduction to the event is below.
But, what is my take on Mobile Recruiting? I support it, believe it is inevitable, in fact, I believe it is already here. Albeit, I might have a slightly different take. My comments on Dave's blog post:
As to the big question - to me mobile is as mobile does. I have been 'mobile' since 1993 when I packed my first Mac powerbook, an inkjet printer and took off to Asia Pacific for a non-recruitment related project. However, I still had to make placements back here. Mobile then was using a borrowed Motorola cell phone (the first clam shell model), hard wiring my laptop to a Wellington New Zealand motel phone jack, using Compuserve email and completing the candidate introductions, interview follow up and final negotiations.
In other words, to me Mobile is another style of communications. GeoLocation services, apps, M sites, Facebook, Twitter andLinkedIn on the mobile - these all depend on the candidate's and the employer's preferred means of communication.
Despite the increased penetration of the Internet and a wide range of services one can use on a Smartphone - I still believe that the mobile phone's original purpose - talking to each other - will remain the 'killer app'. Particularly as the number of mobile phones in the UK exceeded the total population in 2006 and in 2008, adults in the UK had an average of 1.8 mobile phones.
At this time many recruitment is continues in mobile application development program. So, If you know about of mobile technology you can apply it in mobile recruitment.
Posted by: Campus Recruitment Company | Job Placement Agencies | 20 December 2011 at 09:23
Thanks Dave
Looking forward to the streams and the post event follows, which we will naturally feature on
Posted by: Alan Whitford | 03 May 2010 at 10:56
Thanks for the support Alan!
In the context of Mobile Recruiting I am referring to the rapid adoption of Mobile phone based Internet.
Gartner and Google both agree that within 4 years there will be more web traffic originating from a Mobile Phone / iPad type device than desktops! This is NOT all 3g data traffic many smart phone users consume Internet services through their handset via a WiFi connection.
Knowing that 90% of applications are now made online what affect on the recruiting industry will Mobile have?
The event on the 5th May 10am to 12 noon is a discussion between marketeers of leading job boards and recruiters. The entire event is being tweeted live, the topics discussed will be driven by peoples tweets and questions.
The aim is to detail where Mobile Recruiting may go in the next 6-12 months and share the obstacles in the way of progress.
In addition will be sharing candidate research on the topic.
If you miss the discussion on Twitter there will be blogs and videos following the event.
Posted by: Dave | 03 May 2010 at 10:01